Family Pic August 2012

Family Pic August 2012

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Araya Hope is born...a whirlwind adventure!

At 3:20 PM on August 4, 2010, Angie had a hard contraction and they were immediately about a minute apart.  Todd loaded up the boys into the van, grabbed the cell phone and told Angie that she would eventually have to get into the van!  After a couple minutes she made it in the side door.  Todd drove through the beginning of rush hour traffic, trying to get to the General Hospital as quick as possible while calling the Dr. and parents, arranging for someone to meet us there to look after the kids, and listening to crying kids and a wife howling in pain.  Arrived at the hospital at 3:40.  Got strangers to help look after the kids, grabbed a wheelchair for Angie who was laying on the sidewalk outside the hospital, wheeled her up to the labour/birth area, looked after the kids, met Grandpa, and back to the delivery room just in time for the baby to come out at 3:59 PM!  Third time's a charm...a little girl...Araya Hope.

Truan Just took 1 hour from water break to being out...Trustin Emmanuel was 3 hours.  Araya Hope...40 minutes.  Never thought the 1 hour record would be beat.  Wow.

Dr. Miller indicated all went well for mom and baby, and we could head home that night if we wanted.  We wanted.  Discharged by 9:30 PM.  We've got this down to a 6 hour science now (he he).  But seriously, it was nice to be home for the first night.


  1. Love it! Love the blog! Love the McMurrays! :)

  2. Lee Dempsey (nee: Bjorklund)August 15, 2010 at 11:43 PM

    congrats, Angie! You have a beautiful family...

  3. Todd & Angie - You are both amazing!
    I love you all. Great blog so far. Love Mom M

  4. She's beautiful!!

  5. Wow!!! You never told me all the details like you screaming and in so much pain at home and laying outside the hospital!!! I bet you would have rather been in the delivery room instead of all of Regina being invited to your labour, on the street. What a great story but I feel for you more now. God has so blessed you with quick deliveries though!

  6. Oops, I just posted something without my name at the end. I think it started with Wow.
    Heather Block

  7. Holey Smokes! I was at family camp at the time & had no clue that your little missy came this fast! Three years ago when I had #4 you had to abide by the 24 hr thing... so I would sit dressed and ready checking the clock minute by minute till I could go! Would have LOVED to go right home!
    Our #3 was quick too & drug free as a result but NOT THAT FAST! Crazy!!!
